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🎄𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕🦌 Kenloch為著重靈性與技法兩全的靈性導師 🌟國際靈氣協會ICRT唯一粵語LRMT級導師 🌟靈氣筆記官方指定中文翻譯者 @icrtofficial 臼井靈氣|聖火靈氣®|慈悲靈氣® 動物靈氣|天使靈氣®|前世靈魂療癒 🍁草藥魔法—連結自然的奧秘 關於Kenloch🌕 Kenloch是ICRT首位及暫時唯一一位,以繁體中文/廣東話授課的LRMT導師,同時提供普通話及英語授課的靈氣課程。Kenloch於香港土生土長,而樂於於世界各地傳授靈性知識,曾於港澳台及新馬地區教授逾千位靈氣學生。 Kenloch畢業於於香港中文大學宗教研究學系,並主修「宗教及靈性教育」,這使得Kenloch的靈氣教學更為紮實、系統化且更為學術。這也使Kenloch可協助其學生以科學、學術及客觀的方式認識靈氣,亦更容易地向他人分享靈氣及靈性概念。 Kenloch 亦致力於翻譯英文靈氣資源至中文,包括靈氣教學筆記、書籍及文章,協助中文閱讀者可更容易地接觸到國際的靈性教學資源。 Kenloch的在靈氣課堂上著重靈性與技法並存,他帶領學生在課堂上開啟直覺、能量感知及與靈氣的連結,同時亦透過教授各種於日常生活及療癒服務中實用的療癒技巧,讓靈氣課堂除了知識層面上的學習外,亦能讓學生真正體驗靈氣的療癒本質,與靈氣建立更深入的關係。 歡迎大家,一同來踏上學習靈氣的旅程! Kenloch is a Reiki Teacher who offers classes in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. His ability to communicate in these languages enables him to deliver classes across a broad spectrum of audiences, allowing him to serve as a bridge between the Chinese and international Reiki communities. Kenloch has had the privilege of teaching Reiki to over a thousand students, a journey that has been as enlightening for him as it has been for them. Each individual he instructs further strengthens his dedication to this healing practice. In addition to teaching, Kenloch also devotes time to translating English Reiki resources into Chinese, including manuals and articles. This work is driven by his personal commitment to make Reiki more accessible to non-English speaking communities. Armed with a degree in Religious Studies, Kenloch brings an academic perspective to his teaching. This background allows him to present Reiki in a more grounded and scholarly way, intertwining the traditional spiritual context with an intellectual understanding of Reiki practice. This balance not only enables him to navigate the complexities of Reiki and distill them into comprehensible lessons for his students, bbut also equips his students to share Reiki in a manner that is more widely accepted in various cultural and contexts. Kenloch's approach to teaching Reiki involves placing equal importance on both technique and spiritual understanding. His intent is to offer a comprehensive and systematic view of Reiki that allows his students to connect deeply with this practice, while truly experiencing the true healing essence of Reiki, and integrating Reiki into our daily life.